“The mechanical principles on which Osteopathy is based
are as old as the universe.
A.T. Still ”
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a hands-on manual therapy based on a detailed study of anatomy, biomechanics and physiology. Osteopaths (or Osteopathic Manual Practitioners) work to maintain and enhance function of the body. We work to improve movement in areas that are tight and restricted, ease tension and pain, reduce swelling around sites of both acute and older injuries, and to promote optimal function and healing in people of all ages.
We work with the soft tissues of the body (muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia) as well bones and joints. We even work with the organs of the body, considering how they connect to the bones and joints through soft tissue attachments and how concerns like digestive issues or respiratory issues may be related to problems with joints and soft-tissues around the organs. Because osteopathic manual practitioners study the entire body, we consider the various ways in which the body is inter-connected and how different problems a person experiences may be inter-related.
Osteopathy is a gentle practice. Osteopathic treatment is generally very comfortable and relaxing. Our treatment approach ranges from very subtle techniques to techniques that involve a little more pressure, but it is never forceful. We are trained to talk with our clients about what they are experiencing so that we can develop a treatment plan that respects their needs and that will work best for them.
Osteopathy is for everyone. We work with all people. We work with pregnancy, with newborns, babies and children, with teens, adults and older adults. We work with all members of the family. We work with issues experience by students and those whose jobs require them to sit at a desk. We work with athletes. We work with people who have had fitness-related injuries, work-related problems or injuries, and motor vehicle related injuries. Because we study the entire body and how the body changes over time, our knowledge and skills can be applied to everyone to support problems ranging from areas of the body that feel sore and tight, to supporting recovery from significant physical injuries.
Osteopathy is collaborative. At Well Within Osteopathy, we collaborate with other health professionals, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturist, counsellors and psychotherapists, and others. We believe that no one practitioner has all of the answers, and that dialogue and collaboration with other health-care practitioners is vital to ensure that the best care is provided for our clients.
What conditions does osteopathy treat?
The philosophical foundations of osteopathy are very clear: We treat people, not conditions. Trying to treat a specific symptom usually misses the mark. We consider how different symptoms may be related (for example, how headaches may be related to lower-back issues, how lower back issues may be related to an old ankle injury). By going over a person's health history, and understanding the body concerns a person is currently experiencing, and by assessing the body for problems with soft-tissues, bones, joints and organs, we form a clinical impression that informs our treatment approach. A treatment usually focuses on improving mobility in areas that are not moving well so that those structures can do the jobs they are meant to do. This often translates to improvements in how a person feels in their body, and improvements in how their body functions.
That said, there are a number of reasons why people have come to us for treatment in the past, including, but not limited to:
- Acute and Chronic Pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- TMJ issues (jaw pain, clicking, locking, grinding)
- Sinusitis (chronic sinus infection / irritation)
- Pregnancy issues: (sciatica, back pain, swelling / edema)
- Digestive issues: (IBS, GERD / reflux, constipation)
- Respiratory issues: (chronic sinusitis, shortness of breath)
- Genitourinary issues: (menstrual pain, bladder issues)
- Muscle spasms (tight, sore muscles)
- Working with scars: (freeing up scars from surgery or injury)
- Neck, Back, Shoulder & Shoulder blade tightness / soreness
- Nerve impingements
- Low back, buttocks and leg pain and/or numbness (Sciatica)
- Neck, shoulder, and arm pain and/or numbness
- Tendinitis and Bursitis (overuse / repetitive strain injuries)
- Whiplash
- Concussion (post-concussion support)
- Tinnitus (ringing / sounds in the ears)
- Post Motor Vehicle Accident support
- Fibromyalgia support
If you have questions about osteopathy and how it might benefit you, please reach out. Thank you!